How to tell if you need to detox

With toxins being omni present in our modern lives, from the food we eat, water we drink, air we breathe, off-gassing we are exposed to, products we use for personal care or home or laundry, it is a reality that we are exposed to toxins on a daily basis and accumulate in our cells over months and years.

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5 Key Benefits of At-Home Functional Medicine Lab Testing

  1. Save money by taking the guess work out of your health symptoms

Have you ever gone to Dr. Google with symptoms and convinced yourself it must be condition ‘x’? Then having continued with further quick fixes or down a rabbit hole of online hacks, remedies and buying countless products for condition ‘x’ because it was recommended by someone online,  only to find it did nothing help your symptoms. This is because it was based on a guess. You have just wasted a lot of time, money and effort. Right?

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